Postpartum Support in Florida


Mom holding babies foot. Mom's you are amazing, and we know after pregnancy, you may need more postpartum support in Jacksonville, FL. I offer therapy for postpartum anxiety and therapy for postpartum depression. See how you fit into online therapy

Are you exhausted from trying to feed and care for your baby?

Or, resentful because you don't enjoy being a parent?

Do you feel as though you've lost your way and are worried you'll never find it again?

Are you concerned that anything is wrong with you since you don't feel as close to your baby as you once did?

Is your love relationship suffering as a result of all the changes?

Has becoming a parent brought back any of your own childhood trauma?

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding, breathtaking, and thrilling experiences you will ever have, but it isn't simple, and it may not feel all that rewarding, breathtaking, or exciting! New moms and parents are frequently dealing with massive hormonal changes, recovering from the rigors of labor and delivery, determining whether to breast/chest or bottle feed, all while striving to get more than two hours of sleep at a time - it's enough to make anyone lose it! You may have suffered birth trauma as a result of your delivery, your health, or your baby's health. It can feel like you're on a runaway train with no idea where you're going, how fast you're going, or where you're going. Things may be going well one minute and then you may be presented with a slew of frightening, time-sensitive decisions the next. That sense of being out of control and not being able to do anything about it

Maternity is a lovely experience. However, it is also a time of significant change and new moms have a high chance of developing mood disorders. As a result, just as we take care of the physical health of the mother and baby, it's critical to monitor and maintain their emotional health as well.


Please contact me and I will assist you in making your motherhood journey less difficult. So, with the help you require, you can truly appreciate this moment of your life. Do not wait if you are unsure whether you are suffering from the babies' blues or a more serious condition. Please seek assistance!

Mom feeding baby and feeling distant. Get postpartum support in Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Gainesville, and anywhere via online therapy in Florida.

Therapy for Postpartum Depression

The term "postpartum" refers to the period following childbirth. Within a few days of giving birth, most mothers experience the "baby blues," or a sense of sadness or emptiness. The newborn blues usually pass in 3 to 5 days for most mothers. You may have postpartum depression if your baby blues don't go away or you feel gloomy, hopeless, or empty for more than two weeks. It is not normal or expected for a mother to feel despondent or empty after giving birth.

Postpartum depression is a significant mental disorder that affects your behavior and physical health and includes the brain. Sad, flat, or empty feelings don't go away if you have depression, and they might interfere with your day-to-day existence. You may feel disconnected from your baby, as if you are not its mother, or you may not love or care for it. These emotions might range from moderate to strong. Many moms need professional help & support for postpartum depression.

It’s Normal That Hormones Change After Birth

Hormonal changes may trigger symptoms of postpartum depression. When you are pregnant, levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are the highest they’ll ever be. In the first 24 hours after childbirth, hormone levels quickly drop back to normal, pre-pregnancy levels. Researchers think this sudden change in hormone levels may lead to depression. This is similar to hormone changes before a woman’s period but involves much more extreme swings in hormone levels.

Levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after giving birth. The thyroid is a small gland in the neck that helps regulate how your body uses and stores energy from food. Low levels of thyroid hormones can cause symptoms of depression. A simple blood test can tell whether this condition is causing your symptoms. If so, your doctor can prescribe thyroid medicine.

Other feelings may contribute to postpartum depression. Many new mothers say they feel:

These feelings are common among new mothers. But postpartum depression is a serious health condition and can be treated. Postpartum depression is not a regular or expected part of being a new mother. If you find yourself struggling to the point it interferes with connection and day to day life, get postpartum depression support.

Postpartum Anxiety Vs. Postpartum Depression

If you’re experiencing any of these postpartum symptoms below, you’re dealing with postpartum anxiety that will likely disappear within a few weeks and is a typical response to your changing hormone levels.

Postpartum Anxiety symptoms include:

  • Feelings of anxiety and a desire to run away that decreases with reassurance and the elimination of a challenging situation

  • Temporary body aches

  • Sleeplessness or fatigue that comes from a changing sleep schedule

  • Temporary moments of sadness, anger, disappointment, irritability or loss of concentration

  • Uncertainty about the requirements of motherhood without losing the ability to look to the future

  • Feelings of isolation

Postpartum Depression symptoms include:

  • Feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety, guilt, irritability, worthlessness and hopelessness

  • Lack of interest in your baby

  • Thoughts of harming the baby or yourself

  • Major changes in eating habits

  • Obsession or rumination

  • Loss of interest in hobbies

  • Inability to cope with your body

  • Fatigue or change in sleeping habits

  • Extreme concern about your baby’s health

Mixed family ( mom and baby) smiling and laughing. If you're ready to enjoy the highs of motherhood, get postpartum support in Gainesville, Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, and more. Try online therapy from the comfort of your own space. Call now!


I’m so overwhelmed, how can I find the time for online therapy in Florida?

If these were pediatrician appointments for your baby, you’d make the time, right? Those feel important and essential to your baby’s health and wellbeing. As a parent, it’s so easy to ignore our own healthcare needs for the sake of our children. And yet, it is (at least, partially) for their sake that your own mental and emotional health are vitally important. Online therapy in Florida can make this much needed support, more accessible.

I don’t feel like I can leave the baby’s side, how am I going to make it to online therapy?

We understand how hard it is to leave the baby (even when you desperately need to), especially if you’re breastfeeding or if you’re the only one the baby will accept a bottle from. Given all of this, you are very welcome to have the baby present in our virtual sessions. In fact, with the option of online therapy in areas like Jacksonville, Tampa, and Miami, FL, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home for our sessions. You don’t have to wrestle with car seats, strollers, metro rides, remembering to bring multiple changes of clothing for the baby, or even a change of clothes for yourself since your baby will, of course, inevitably spit up all over you! Online therapy in Florida has been especially beneficial to our postpartum clients who may be worried for their baby’s fragile health during the pandemic.

If I actually make an appointment to see a postpartum therapist, I’m afraid that means I really do have problems…

It can be incredibly scary to admit to yourself that you’re struggling. It may even feel shameful. You may even worry that asking for help for postpartum depression or starting therapy means you’re a “ bad mom.” Please believe us, you are in very good, very abundant company. Acknowledging the challenges is the first step towards health and happiness. Deciding to take the risk of seeking help, is a brave and hopeful choice - one that will benefit you, your partnership, your baby, and your family. You’re not damaged, but you are human and we all need a little extra support from time to time.

All postpartum parents go through challenges. Through therapy, you'll have postpartum support and learn how to calm the anxieties that come with motherhood. Furthermore, you’ll work toward kind to yourself and stay connected with your partner. We’ll strategize so you can feel more comfortable with identifying, seeking, and  utilizing more support in parenthood. Most importantly, your fears, anxieties, and deep sadness will be heard, normalized, and validated without judgment.

You can find joy in parenting and a bond with your baby. Plus, you and your partner can walk the journey of new parenthood together as a team.

Get Postpartum Support, Therapy for Postpartum Depression, and Therapy for Postpartum Anxiety in Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami, and Statewide in Florida!

Motherhood can get off to a rocky start when you are struggling with your mental health. Often there is a stigma that your feeling no longer matter because you have a child now. However, in order to support your family, you need to be able to pour from a full cup. If you’re overwhelmed, disconnected, or anxious, postpartum support can help. You will work with a caring and understanding postpartum therapist when you begin online therapy in Florida. You will work with Danielle Eaton, your online therapist. If you’re ready to find hope and healing to move forward, then take the next steps to begin services. To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Danielle Eaton by filling out an online therapy form.

  2. Learn more about your postpartum therapist.

  3. It’s time to start focusing on you!

Other Services Danielle Eaton Can Help You With!

Let’s work in a safe and accessible environment for your mental health. It’s time to start putting your best foot forward and that begins with focusing on you! If you’re seeking online therapy for moms in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Tampa, or Miami, with Danielle Eaton in Florida get in touch today! If you’re seeking another service, additional services include therapy for young adults, anxiety treatment and perfectionism, depression, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, therapy for identity and exploration, and abuse recovery. When you’re ready to begin, I am here to support you!